Matt likes to send out a link to his latest album webpage.
The only problem is that when he releases a new album, the old link is no longer current.
So now he uses swirv.org/newalbum - and during a new release, he can divert that link to the new album page on his website,
and the link still works and shows the most up to date information!
Matt also likes to send listeners a link to a free album download.
This is actually hosted on Onedrive (quicker and cheaper for downloads than his host).
There are two problems with this.
The first is that the link looks like this:
Yuck! swirv.org/freedownload sorts that out immediately!
Second problem - if Matt uploads a new version of the file to Onedrive, the link changes
(This has caused problems in the past where people couldn't access the download).
Now Matt points people at swirv.org/freedownload,
which redirects them to the Onedrive link,
and if he updates the download, he just needs to update the redirect! Simples. No-one would even know he'd done it... Seamless.
Matt also needs to send out album downloads to customers, radio hosts, bloggers etc.
If he sends them a fixed link, then this can be given away, shared, stolen etc., and before you know it anyone can use the link.
Also ... did the radio host actually download it? Who knows. So Matt now uses Swirv.
He sets up a hidden Swirv to the download, then for each radio host he creates a Unilink.
This gives a non-guessable, but short, link like swirv.org/1c975935-dc85-4dcb-a8be-e932c1f7dfd1.
No-one's going to guess that puppy! Matt sets the Unilink to be valid for 3 downloads before it stops working.
And guess what .... it tells you how many times it's been clicked. Now you know if they've downloaded the file! Awesomeness.
Case Study 2 - Adam the Personal Trainer (and Doctor)
Adam has collated a list of excellent Youtube videos demonstrating proper, safe technique for exercises that he recommends to his clients.
Sending individual Youtube links works, but isn't a fantastic experience.
So Adam has created a Brand page swirv.org/ASC, crammed full of easy-to-use links
for each exercise like swirv.org/ASC/warmup,
a profile picture and his contact email address.
So simple and short he can tell someone over the phone or quickly type it. And the Brand page has a complete list. And guess what ...
when Adam finds an even better video on the front squat, he can just redirect that link to the new video. Easy.